Datasheet LTC3458L (Analog Devices)

制造商Analog Devices
描述1.7A, 1.5MHz Synchronous Step-Up DC/DC Converter with Output Disconnect
页数 / 页16 / 1 — FEATURES. DESCRIPTIO. High Efficiency: Up to 95%. Inrush Current Limiting …
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FEATURES. DESCRIPTIO. High Efficiency: Up to 95%. Inrush Current Limiting and Output Disconnect

Datasheet LTC3458L Analog Devices



LTC3458L 1.7A, 1.5MHz Synchronous Step-Up DC/DC Converter with Output Disconnect

High Efficiency: Up to 95%
The LTC®3458L is a high efficiency, current mode, fixed ■
Inrush Current Limiting and Output Disconnect
frequency, step up DC/DC converter with true output ■
Programmable Output Voltages up to 6V
disconnect and inrush current limiting. The LTC3458L is ■
1.5V to 6V Input Range
rated for up to 6V output and includes a 0.2Ω N-channel ■ Programmable/Synchronizable Fixed Frequency MOSFET switch and a 0.3Ω P-channel MOSFET synchro- Operation up to 1.5MHz nous rectifier. The LTC3458L is well suited for battery ■ Programmable Automatic Burst Mode® Operation powered applications and includes programmable output ■ Current Mode Control with Programmable Soft-Start voltage, switching frequency and loop compensation. The Period and Peak Current Limit oscillator frequency can be set up to 1.5MHz or synchro- ■ 0.2Ω N-Channel and 0.3Ω P-Channel Switches nized to an external clock. ■ Ultralow Quiescent Currents: 12μA Sleep, <1μA in Quiescent current is only 12μA during Burst Mode opera- Shutdown tion maximizing battery life in portable applications. The ■ 12-Pin 4mm × 3mm Thermally Enhanced DFN Burst Mode current threshold, peak current limit, and soft- Package
start are externally programmable. Other features include
<1μA shutdown current, antiringing control, and thermal limit. The LTC3458L is available in a low profile (0.75mm), ■ Point-of-Load Regulators 4mm × 3mm 12-pin DFN package. ■ USB VBUS Power ■ Portable GPS , LT, LTC and LTM are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Burst Mode is a registered ■ MP3 Players trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. Protected by U.S. Patents including 5481178, 6580258, 6304066, 6127815, 6498466, 6611131.
Li-Ion to 5VOUT
100 1000 VIN SW Li Ion 2.2μF LTC3458L 95 3.1V TO 4.2V V 4.2V OUT IN 3.6 V GND/PGND VOUT 5V 90 3.1VIN 100 10pF 750mA IN 1M POWER LOSS (mW) 3.6V 85 IN ON OFF SHDN FB 80 10 SYNC COMP POWER 324k 75 0.01μF EFFICIENCY (%) LOSS 33k R 70 1 T SS 22μF 0.01μF 10pF X5R 65 ILIM BURST 60 0.1 200k 84.5k 133k 560pF 0.1 1 10 100 1000 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 3458L TA01a 3458L TA01b 3458lfa 1